Today I present you with a tweak in awareness that Agents of Evolution will want to lean into as we move through the next few months of heightened economic and political instability.
No longer can we employ old decision making practices that relied exclusively on the left brain, or popular thought, or commonly available public discourse. These ways of moving through the world were always a little suspect for the hierarchies in values that proliferated in their reign, (like the exclusion of indigenous ways of knowing as valid, or the exclusion of our wildness as valuable,) but at this point relying on these methods to make decisions is an outdated way of being. Full stop.
We are being asked to ground far more deeply into our own inner knowing (sourced from a baseline of visceral connectedness with the Earth and awareness of our dependency on this living being called Earth,) while simultaneously reaching outward to connect with the efforts of complementary community.
Navigation, for Agents of Evolution, needs to dive below the level of the mind and its collection of thoughts. By knowing Who We Are in relationship to all things not only with our minds but also with our hearts and our instinctual awareness, we connect to the truth of all things. By becoming curious enough about what the natural world is communicating with us in order to connect with that truth, the way forward is slowly revealed. In partnership with the Earth.
For Agents of Evolution, the new navigation systems will favor collective solutions over individual ones. (Here, the word ‘collective’ includes the Earth and all Earth’s inhabitants.)
We would be wise to dig one well, one hundred feet deep, together, rather than each digging 100 wells, one foot deep.
Having too many options, and none that truly satisfy, (on anything from brands of toothpaste, to childcare, to housing,) might be a direct result of the way we are still choosing to operate in silo fashion with our gifts, our social participation, our futures, rather than coming together to create from the collective warp and woof.
The idea that future security is up to each individual and that security depends on stockpiling money, rather than on nurturing relationships, is a lopsided contortion of the way things actually work on planet Earth. Any study of natural world systems will show us the folly of this way of thinking.
I am not saying that collectivism is the solution to everything or that it will be the solution forever. But I do propose that solutions focusing on the collective rather than the individual will lead us out of the morass of insufficient, anemic options we now have.
Amen and thank you